Opening an account
Opening an account is easy!
You can create an account at any time by clicking here.
Or when you place an order, you'll be prompted to log in with your email address and password or create an account if you don't have one already.
Make sure you also tick the box to join the EMU mailing list, to receive exclusive offers and updates.
Benefits of creating an EMU account
There are lots of great reasons to create an EMU account. As a member you can personalise your profile, view and track orders and enjoy a super quick checkout.
- News and exclusive offers
- - Tick the box to join the EMU mailling list and you'll receive updates on special promotions, new product announcements, gift ideas, exclusive offers, discounts and more.
- Order history
- - Receive important information about your order. You can even track it up to the minute it arrives.
- Faster checkout
- - Save your billing and shipping information to make it easier to buy your EMU boots.